
Posted by hux0620303 on December 21, 2017

Lens 参数

  1. 法兰距: flange focal distance, 主要针对的对象是可以更换镜头的相机。下面这张图描述的很清楚。

    Image of Flange focal Length (2 types camera)


the distance from the mounting flange (the metal ring on the camera and the rear of the lens) to the film plane.

In order to produce an adaptor that permits focus to infinity without corrective optics, the flange-to-film distance the lens is designed for must be greater than that of the camera body it is to be adapted to, giving room for the adaptor. Camera systems with a large flange-to-film distance have lenses that can be widely adapted, while those with a small flange-to-film distance can take adaptors for many types of lenses.


  1. SLR:

    单镜反光相机(Single Lens Reflex,缩写为SLR)又称单眼相机,使用一块放置在镜头胶片间的镜子把来自镜头的图像投射到磨沙对焦屏上。

  2. Lens mount: 接环镜头(Lens Mount),也译作卡口镜头


  1. IRIS:光圈IRIS Range: 光圈大小



    F 值等于镜头的焦距除以光圈的有效口径。所以对于 35mm F1.4 G 镜头,当最大光圈值设为 F1.4 时,光圈的有效口径就是 35 ÷ 1.4 = 25 mm。

    以较大到较小光圈为序,相机镜头常用的标准 F 值包括:1.4、2、2.8、4、5.6、8、11、16 和 22,有时还有 32(从数学角度看,这些数字都是 2 的平方根的乘方)。将光圈加大一整档,镜头内的透光量则增加一倍。将光圈缩小一整档,镜头内的透光量则减少一倍。

  2. 光圈,焦距,景深


    “景深”是指当焦距对准某一点时,其前后都仍可清晰的范围。 对于最浅的景深,合焦面深度可能仅有几毫米。反之,一些风景摄影的景深则非常深,拍摄距离可达数公里,而景深范围内所有画面的轮廓依然清晰。控制景深是创新摄影的最有用的技能之一。 大致来讲,光圈越大景深越浅,所以如果您在拍摄肖像时希望获得良好的散焦背景,建议您加大光圈。但其他因素也可发挥作用。焦距较长的镜头通常能产生较浅的景深(85 mm 镜头的 F1.4 光圈要比广角 24 mm 镜头的 F1.4 光圈呈现的景深更浅一些)。

  3. 对焦距离:Focusing Range (From Front of the Lens)

    Depth of Field (DOF) is the front-to-back zone of a photograph in which the image is razor sharp.

    As soon as an object (person, thing) falls out of this range, it begins to lose focus at an accelerating degree the farther out of the zone it falls; e.g. closer to the lens or deeper into the background. With any DOF zone, there is a Point of Optimum focus in which the object is most sharp.


    Aperture and Depth of Field