Install OpenCV with VIZ on win10 and VS2017.

Posted by hux0620303 on November 8, 2017

How to build OpenCV with VIZ module on windows 10 and with VS 2017

lots of fucking and strange errors occurred during the building process……..

  1. Down load CMake;

  2. Download VTK (version 6.2.0);

  3. Suppose VS2017 has been installed,

    1. use CMake to configure VTK, unselect the building options of TEST and build shared libs;

    2. Sorry, but you have to modify some internal code in order to get VTK build successfully. </span>

      • Project: vtklibxml2, find config.h
      // comment the following line of codes  
      /* Win32 Std C name mangling work-around */  
      /* MS VS2015: deprecated. snprintf is now the standard in VS2015. */  
      // #if defined(_MSC_VER)  
      // # define snprintf _snprintf  
      // #endif  
      • Project: vtktiff, find File: tiffiop.h

        // MS VS2015: added header  
        # include <corecrt_search.h>  
        // MS VS2015: deprecated  
        /* #ifdef HAVE_SEARCH_H  
            # include <search.h>  
            extern void *lfind(const void *, const void *, size_t *, size_t, int (*)(const void *, const void *));  
        #endif */  
      • Project: vtkhdf5, find File: H5Omtime.c

        #elif defined(H5_HAVE_LNX_TIMEZONE) // Dummy argument for now  
            /* Linux libc-5 */  
            the_time -= timezone - (tm.tm_isdst?3600:0);  
        #elif defined(H5_HAVE_TIMEZONE) && defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1900  
        // In Visual Studio prior to VS2015 'timezone' is a global variable declared          
        // in time.h. That variable was deprecated and in VS2015 is removed, with  
        // _get_timezone replacing it.  
        long time_zone = 0;  
        the_time -= time_zone - (tm.tm_isdst ? 3600 : 0);  
      • Project: vtkCommonCore, find vtkWin32ProcessOutputWindow.cxx

        //Fix: add a space before and after PRIdword.  
        // Construct the executable name from the process id, pointer to  
        // this output window instance, and a count.  This should be unique.  
        sprintf(exeName, "vtkWin32OWP_%" PRIdword "_%p_%u.exe", GetCurrentProcessId(), this, this->Count++);  
  4. Download OpenCV(version 3.1.0) and OpenCV Contrib; Be careful to set the following options:

    1. WITH VTK
    2. set VTK DIR to your_path_of_VTK/build
    3. set opencv_extra_modules_path to your_path_of_opencv_contrib/modules
    4. configure and generate
  5. VS2017 select ALL BUILD, build.

:smile:I hope that you have successfully built OpenCV with VIZ module activated.